Financial Freedom Principles

Gary Johnston


Financial Freedom Principles

Next class:

May 24 – 26, 2025 (Saturday – Monday, Memorial Day Weekend) – Atlanta, GA

Register now.

Future Classes:

August 30 – September 1, 2025 (Saturday – Monday, Labor Day Weekend) – Costa Mesa, CA

Register now.

  • Do you want to be financially free?
  • Are you tired of running the rat race?
  • Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
  • Are you tired of being in debt?
  • Are your “investments” no longer working?

Learn the key principles of how to become truly financially free. The lessons you will learn are a must if you plan on being wealthy and getting out of the Rat Race. You will gain total confidence in how to make better investment decisions and create a better financial future. Over 3 days, you will build your personal wealth plan and move toward the future you desire. Anyone can master these skills quickly and easily.

  • What about you? Have you produced the wealth and cash flow you need to leave your job with no worries?
  • Do you have all the money you need for a comfortable retirement – at any age?
  • Do you need to learn how to make smarter decisions about your finances?

The Financial Freedom Class is your solution!

One of the secrets to getting you out of the rat race faster is learning to understand numbers and learning how TINY changes can turn good deals into FANTASTIC DEALS!

Really rich people know how to make financial decisions that increase cash flow and build wealth while reducing taxes and liabilities at the same time. How do they do it? The “crystal ball” is a simple, inexpensive financial tool that you will learn in the Financial Freedom Class.

Learn How To Create WEALTH!

Now it’s your turn! Join me at Financial Freedom Principles to learn:

  • How to Create a Financial Freedom Roadmap
  • The 3 Different Types of Income and Which One Is Best
  • How to Use Knowledge of Taxes to Make Investment Decisions
  • The Best Investments When First Starting
  • How to Know How Much to Pay for an Investment
  • Use a Wealth Tool to Predict Your Future
  • Ways to Structure Debt to Make More Money
  • The Time Value of Money

And so much more…

At the Financial Freedom Principles, you’ll learn how to make better decisions so you can take control of your financial future!

But don’t take my word for it! Read what people have had to say about this class:


“After attending your class, I’ve added it to the ‘must take’ list of classes I recommend to beginners as well as seasoned pros.  Everyone in this business needs the info you share.  A real eye-opener ─ three days extremely well spent.”
Mike Cantu, California

“One of the five best classes I have ever been to, and I go to a lot.  Gary does a great job of making it easy to learn about the magic of this very important area of investing. This class is a must for all Real Estate Investors.  You will love it!”
Reggie Lal, California,

“I always knew how much I was spending.  I never knew how much it was costing me ─- in terms of lost opportunity, peace of mind, and my family’s future.  This is one of the top three seminars I’ve ever attended.
Ryan Skalla, California

I wish that I’d taken this class prior to spending $10,000-plus on investment classes taught by other ‘gurus’  – I’d have done things much differently and would have more money to invest.  The good news: I’ll now implement a few good ideas and expect better results.”
─  Trish Jones, California

More Testimonials…

“This course is life-changing!  ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’:  You made me realize I’ve always had the tools ─ the financial calculator, taxes, financial statements ─ and now I know how to use them.  Financial freedom is now a reality instead of a distant dream.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Iris Veneracion, California

“Loved the class!  Found myself saying, ‘That piece of info alone was worth the price of the class’ on several occasions.”
Codrin, California

An easy-to-understand, eye-opening program for people who truly want to know the principles of wealth.”
─  Danny Williams – GA

“This is the most useful course I have taken.”
─  Bob Hadfield, Ohio 

Nothing to Lose

100% Money Back Guarantee!  After attending all three days of the class, if you aren’t completely satisfied, we will give you 100% of your money back.  What do you have to lose?  Sign-up today!

Register for “Financial Freedom Principles”
ONLY $597
( SAVE MORE – Bring a friend for just $500 more)

Start your journey toward Financial Freedom today; sign up now!

If you have additional questions about the class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact page.

Investment Speaker Bios:

Gary Johnston has been an active investor in commercial and residential real estate and small businesses for over 30 years. Gary worked for Hewlett-Packard for 16 years, where he was Director of Research and Development in the LaserJet Business Unit before he left the rat race at the age of 38. He has an M.S. in Management from Purdue University and a B.S. in Software Engineering Technology from the Oregon Institute of Technology. He lives in Idaho with his wife and two sons.

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